About The Amazing Flameless Candle

Company Overview
The Amazing Flameless Candle creates the most innovative flameless candle solutions found anywhere, working alongside both leading consumer retailers and the most recognizable brands in the hospitality industry to develop new applications for candles that have never previously been considered.
Through unparalleled quality standards and a customer-first mentality, we have developed a reputation of not only superior product, but one of great people. Compare our line of rechargeable candles with any of the competitors and you will instantly see why global leaders in the hospitality industry choose The Amazing Flameless Candle.
In early 2015, The Amazing Flameless Candle acquired Norex Enterprises and their line of SafeLite rechargeable candles. As the unrivaled technology and quality leader in the hospitality sector, these candles are part of the set plans for global hotel groups and spas, are on-board nearly every major cruise line and illuminate the tabletops in thousands of restaurants globally.
Additional Details
What We Bring to the Table
Finding partners you can trust is not easy. You have rely on their people, their products and their process to deliver for you and your guests day in and day out. If any part of the equation fails, you suffer. That is why people love The Amazing Flameless Candle! Many of our customers have been with us for more than a decade, allowing us to serve their tabletop needs for tens of thousands of their own customers.
It starts with the product.
Ask people who know of our Performance and Classic Series candles and they will likely tell you that we offer the best rechargeable candle systems in the industry. Many of them will be quite passionate about their responses as they have experienced several other products and will now never stray. They use our candles every day and they start each shift knowing unequivocally that the candles will work and will look great!
But it comes down to people.
People do business with other people, people they have to rely on, trust and like. And our customers love us!
- We are friendly, polite and we listen to our customers
- We are committed to making life easier for you
- We take pride in delivering excellence every day
- We generally ship within 48 hours of an order
- We stand behind our product the best warranty in the business
Why Flameless Candles
Today, in a world filled with multi tasking and long work days, a simple way to set the mood for a relaxing and intimate break from the hustle of the day begins with the soothing soft light of a beautiful flickering candle. Our sophisticated electronic candles feature complex circuits and a double LED that create an unmistakably real flicker without the risk and mess of burning fuel and releasing byproducts into the air we breathe.
- Significant cost savings over tea lights, fuel cells and pillar candles
- Reduced hassle of lighting and maintaining candles every shift
- Removal of the fire hazards associated with an open flame
- Eliminated smoke and smell of candles that impact food flavors
- Light color and flicker that replicate an open flame
- Shape of the light designed to maximize brightness and visibility
- Best in class two year product warranty
Cost Savings
Of course, you can't discuss the benefits of flameless candles without mentioning the huge cost savings they provide over their open flame counterparts. Whether you have a 12 table restaurant or a national chain using thousands of candles, making the switch from tea lights, fuel cells and pillar candles could save you tens of thousands of dollars throughout the useful life of the candles.
Satisfaction Guarantee
If you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, let us know and we will assist with a replacement or return.